Welcome to our website and blog!
Today we launch this project which was designed with great care and support of professors and current graduate students with the aim of promoting more the area of Behavioural Economics in Brazil.
First I want to tell you a bit about the motivation behind the creation of our website. I have been passionate about this subject for years. I had the opportunity to start to work with field experiments / pilots in telecom since very young, during my undergrad. In 2011, after +7 years in telecom, I decided to start a MSc at the University of Nottingham, where it is located the CeDEx group (Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics), a research group that I was following closely by then and is a reference in the area in Europe.
I returned late last year to Brazil and was surprised by the fact that little or nothing about the subject was known by large companies, neither the public nor the nonprofit sector. We have here in Brasil very few people working on this area of research, no doubt fantastic academics, but just a few. I did not have plans to start a project to disseminate the area here, neither a more academic life, but it happened. Needless to say, I consider this area a key area for both these sectors, and for the Economy in general.
So the project of this site arises! Hope you like it and it becomes a rich environment for all lovers of the area, and for those who still do not know, but will fall in love .
The field of behavioral economics is going through a delicate moment, which has been an explosive growth of experts on this subject, even without a solid background, which creates some discomfort. Also, somehow grows a controversy about its way of acting and influencing people. I hope we can manage to understand and engage in this scenario and help clarify and sensitize people, especially on most critical points.
The site comes with two Blogs , one in Portuguese and one in English. The blog called Blog is in Portuguese for all domestic collaborators and guests, while the Blog Gringo (the name Blog Gringo refers to a way that Brazilians call foreigners here) will be written by our international collaborators. Eventually, some posts on Blog Gringo will be translated into Portuguese and posted on the local Blog.
I would also like to thank all collaborators, national and international, for participating in this initiative and who made this project possible. In particular, my thanks to Marcos Paulo Coutinho DOIS79 Design who helped us with the website design .
Our main goal is that this will be a place for the dissemination and exchange of experiences in behavioral economics and that you will help us to feed the site with consistent and important information on the subject. Hope I can count on you!
That’s it, have fun and welcome !
Flavia Avila
Parabéns pela iniciativa e consecução do projeto, que já começou bem bacana!
Muito sucesso para vocês!
Com certeza o economiacomportamental.org será uma contribuição relevante para a discussão e difusão do assunto aqui no Brasil, assim como para a troca internacional de conhecimentos.